
Happy Healthy Saturday

Happy Healthy Saturday

Eating more fruits, vegetables boosts psychological well-being in just 2 week

Eating more fruits, vegetables boosts psychological well-being in just 2 week Fuits and vegetables are a pivotal part of a healthful diet, but their benefits are not limited to physical health. New research finds that increasing fruit and vegetable consumption may improve psychological well-being in as little as 2 weeks. Study leader Dr. Tamlin Conner, of the Department of Psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand, and colleagues found that young adults who were given extra fruits and vegetables each day for 14 days ate more of the produce and experienced a boost in motivation and vitality. The researchers recently reported their findings in the journal PLOS One. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, adults should aim to consume around two cups of fruits and around two to three cups of vegetables daily. One cup of fruits is the equivalent to half a grapefruit or a large orange, and one cup of vegetables is proportionate to one lar...

10 Best Foods for Improving Hair Quality

10 Best Foods for Improving Hair Quality Man or a woman, a lustrous mane spells a lot about their health. Having long and strong hair is ever More Man or a woman, a lustrous mane spells a lot about their health. Having long and strong hair is every ones wish and yes there are numerous products in the market which help you get there in some days. But it is equally important to nourish your hair internally. The very first step to be taken for getting the best quality of hair is to include the following food items in your food lists right away. Spinach-  Spinach is packed up with nutrients like vitamin A, beta carotene, folate, vitamin C and iron. No wonder they work for maintaining good scalp and improve hair quality. Guava- A super fruit, guava is locally available everywhere. It is full of vitamin C, which protects the hair from being brittle. Sweet Potatoes- Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta carotene. Our body converts beta carotene to Vitamin A. Your dry and d...

Health Benefits of Kava

Health Benefits of Kava Kava is a shrub that thrives in loose, well-drained soils where plenty of air reaches the roots. Kava is an herbal ground root. It grows naturally where rainfall is plentiful. Too much sunlight is harmful, especially in early growth, so kava is an under story crop. Its cultivation is entirely by propagation from stem cutting sand cannot reproduce sexually, as female flowers are very rare and they do not produce fruit even when hand-pollinated. After growing about 2 m height, plants grow a wider stalk and additional stalks, but not much taller. Latin name of Kava is “Piper methysticum” which means “intoxicating”. Phytochemical Significance of Kava Kava is very rich in calories. It is also rich in carbohydrates, dietary fibers, kavalactone, sugar, protein and few minerals. Traditional benefits of Kava Kava contains 15 bioactive compounds called lactones or pyrones which are collectively referred to as kavalactones or ka...

7 Perfect Morning Exercises If You're Not a Morning Person

7 Perfect Morning Exercises If You're Not a Morning Person If you're the  kind of person who still hits snooze 17 times in the morning   despite  that fact that you laid out your gym clothes the night before and swore you would make it to 7 a.m. spin class, you need the kind a minimal-effort workout that still pays off where it matters (you know, actually making you stronger). This  yoga-inspired sequence  is it: It takes less than 15 minutes, you don't need any equipment, and you can do it in the comfort of your own bedroom. Just because it's slow doesn't mean it won't make your muscles burn - by the time you finish, you'll be fired up for the rest of the day. Photo credit: Designed by Megan Tatem More How to do it: Slowly move through the movements in the sequence below. Repeat the flow three times. 1. Mountain to Forward Fold Photo credit: Katherine Wirsing More Start in a standing position, feet together, arms at sides. Sweep...

Homemade remedy of Low blood pressure in hindi

Homemade remedy of Low blood pressure in hindi 🍃  *आरोग्यं* :- लो ब्लड प्रेशर के लिए घरेलू नुस्खे :- 1. 50 ग्राम देशी चने व 10 ग्राम किशमिश को रात में 100 ग्राम पानी में किसी भी कांच के बर्तन में रख दें। सुबह चनों को किशमिश के साथ अच्छी तरह से चबा-चबाकर खाएं और पानी को पी लें। यदि देशी चने न मिल पाएं तो सिर्फ किशमिश ही लें। इस विधि से कुछ ही सप्ताह में ब्लेड प्रेशर सामान्य हो सकता है। 2. रात को बादाम की 3-4 गिरी पानी में भिगों दें और सुबह उनका छिलका उतारकर कर 15 ग्राम मक्खन और मिश्री के साथ मिलाकर बादाम - गिरी को खाने से लो ब्लड प्रेशर नष्ट होता है। 3. प्रतिदिन आंवले या सेब के मुरब्बे का सेवन लो ब्लेड प्रेशर में बहुत उपयोगी होता है। आंवले के 2 ग्राम रस में 10 ग्राम शहद मिलाकर कुछ दिन प्रातःकाल सेवन करने से लो ब्लड प्रेशर दूर करने में मदद मिलती है।