Delicious Detox waters to cleans your body & burn fat

Image result for flat belly water recipe

Detox water is any infused water recipe that helps flush your system of toxins and improves your health. Some detox water recipes have beneficial ingredients which help your body in some ways (like boost metabolism), but the main beneficial ingredient is water

Drinking water all by itself is a way to help flush the body of toxins on a daily basis, but with a few simple ingredients you can transform water into a detoxifying masterpiece and reap even more benefits from it. This is something you can do every single day, or as part of a broader detoxing program.

1.Warm Lemon Water   
 One of the simplest and most effective ways to detox and boost metabolism every single day is by drinking warm lemon water in the morning before breakfast. This is an ancient Ayurvedic detox tradition that boosts the immune system, aids weight loss and improves digestion.Image result for detox water
2.Watermelon Detox Water 
This one couldn’t be simpler to create, and is there anything more refreshing than watermelon on a hot day when you’re feeling low on sugar? All you need is watermelon and water! The watermelon infuses the water, and when that happens, it creates a beautiful, subtle sweet smell and taste.

Image result for cucumber detox water3. Cucumbers:
They are low in calories and high in  fiber, and help keep the body alkaline. Cucumbers are a perfect weight loss food.
4. Ginger:
Medical Research showed that when participants drank a hot beverage with ginger,they felt more full and had less chance of overeating.

  • Take a glass jug and fill it with water.
  • Add all the ingredients in it and mix well.
  • Stir well and keep for overnight.
  • Next day, drink this water on a regular interval so that you complete it in one day.
  • Same day at night, prepare the water and keep it ready for next day usage.


  • Stir well and strain it; have 2 glasses of this water after waking up.
  • 1 glass 30 minutes before a meal; most probably before lunch.
  • 1 glass before taking bath.
  • And 1 glass before going to bed


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