Flat Stomach in just a Week....

Image result for flat tummy tips
You've got a big event, a bloated stomach and just one week to get that belly as flat as you can. Getting a flat stomach in just a week is an ambitious goal, but if you stick to a strict plan, you can make a difference to your shape. At the week's end, you can use some style and posture tricks to help your stomach appear flatter for the big day, too.

Eat a Snack at 3pm
For most people, 3pm is their weak spot. They find themselves really hungry all of a sudden so they reach for the most satisfying thing that they can find. For some people, this is usually a pack of chips, a muffin or chocolate bar. The problem with this is that it can cause your insulin and blood sugar levels to spike and then drop shortly after, which may leave you feeling tired and lethargic and even more hungry!
Image result for flat tummy tipsOn the other end of the scale, many people find 3pm to be the busy point in their day and generally don’t eat anything until dinner. The issue with this is that it causes such a large gap between lunch and dinner (5-6 hours). During this time, your metabolism begins to slow down and your blood sugar levels begin to drop. To make sure you are keeping your blood sugar levels stable (not too high, nor too low), it is important to snack on lean protein and whole grain carbohydrates throughout the day (i.e. every 3-4 hours).
Stay Away From Salt
If you eat many foods high in salt, this could be the reason your stomach is bloated and looking all puffy. Salt (or sodium) is often hidden in foods to help make them taste better, even if the food doesn’t actually taste ‘salty’. Some examples include pre-packaged soups, dressings, crackers and sauces. Try to reduce your intake of salt (including soy sauce) and instead flavour your foods with other herbs & spices
Image result for stay away from salt
Stay away from alcohol. 
When it comes to flattening your stomach, alcohol is not your friend. It makes your body store more of the fat you eat and burn up to 36% less fat than you normally would. It can also inhibit your body's production of fat-burning hormones.

Image result for stay away from alcohol Chew Slowly                 
Eating too fast will cause you to swallow air, which in turn leads to poor digestion and bloating in your stomach. Try to slow down and enjoy each mouthful - this mean no multi-tasking and no distractions. This way you can really concentrate on chewing your food properly and not gulping it down! Try putting your fork or spoon down after each mouthful and only going in for your next one when you have completely swallowed the last.

Go Green!
Green tea has an antioxidant in it called EGCG, which may help to boost your metabolism and help your body to utilise fat. For best results, drink 2-3 cups of green tea a day. You can even make it iced by adding ice cubes and leaving it in the fridge for a few hours!
Image result for green tea

Image result for no to sugarWatch The Sugar
Most people would be surprised to know how much ‘hidden’ sugar they are consuming on a daily basis. Even if you try your hardest to stay away from things such as chocolate bars and cookies, sugar is hidden in ‘healthy’ foods too. Things such as yoghurts, frozen foods, sauces, health bars and dressings may contain a large amount of sugar that contributes to ‘empty’ calories. As insulin increases fat storage, consuming large amounts of sugar may make it harder to lose belly fat! The best thing to do is read all labels of food you consume carefully, and if you have an event coming up that you want to look your best for, stick to natural, wholesome foods.

Go with cardio. 
Nothing beats aerobic exercise in the battle against belly fat. A study by Duke University found that aerobic exercise was the most effective way to burn deep, visceral belly fat and that aerobic workouts burn 67% more calories than resistance training or a regimen that combines cardio and resistance.
·         The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that healthy adults get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (think brisk walking or swimming) or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity (such as running) spread throughout the week. Activity sessions can broken up throughout the day but should be at least 10 minutes long. If you're looking to lose weight, you'll have to increase the intensity, the duration or both.

 Image result for go with cardio


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