Tight and Hard...Mornings Are Barbaad!

Tight and Hard...Mornings Are Barbaad!

Constipation; a dreaded and much feared word of modern times!
Causes could be ranging from a simple lack of water intake or fibre in ones diet to more serious IBS or irritable bowel.
A chronic constipation leads to rectal issues like fissure &/or piles; not to mention the discomfort and flatulence that accompanies a slow gut! It impacts skin and hair health and is known to be a single most reason people are crappy (no pun!) in the mornings!

Simple to do list:

  1. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily (maybe a little warm water.)
  2. Add natural fibre into the diet in the form or 3/4 fruit or veggie servings daily.
  3. Add natural probiotics and probiotics in your diet.
  4. Exercise regularly to help movement.
  5. Add a fistful of dry fruits including figs and raisins in the diet.
  6. Avoid junk foods and maida based food as far as possible.
  7. Relax and destress to create a harmonious core!


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