Kesh King Hair oil Review.

Product Description of Kesh King Hair Oil
Kesh King is an Ayurvedic Medicinal Oil which gives you relief from various hair problems like hair loss, premature graying, dandruff, sleeplessness & headache and even helpful in deep nourishment of hairs. Kesh King is prepared in Sesame Oil using 16 selected herbs.
  • 100ml pack - Rs. 136
  •  300ml pack – Rs. 272

Shelf Life:
36 months from Packaging
Kesh King Hair oil contains following products –
 Yasti, Bhringraj, Manjistha, Raktachnadan ,Haritaki, Terminalia Bhibhitika, Lodhra , Stulaila , Jattamansi, Amla , Kola , Nimbha , Madhyanti, Brahmi , Nagkesar. Til Tel.
Directions for use:
Before going to bed in the night, put oil in a small open mouthed container. The Quantity of the oil should be in proportion to the length and density of your hair.  Apply oil on the tip of your fingers and rub it gently on the base of your hair enabling it to penetrate in to the roots of your hair. Don’t apply on your palm and rub it vigorously as it may uproot weak hair. Slow application and massage of hair only would yield better results.

This hair oil comes in a regular medium sized green plastic bottle.
Oil is light green in color. It is runny and light and even easily absorbable.
Pros of Kesh King hair Oil
·        Available everywhere
·        Affordable
·        No side effects
·        Nice packaging
·        Light in texture
·        No chemicals

Cons of Kesh King hair Oil

  • Does not suit many
  • Fragrance is not so good


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