Natural Treatment for Respiratory Diseases

Our respiratory system comprises the nose, nasal cavity, upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, pleural cavity, lungs and even the nerves and muscles that we use for breathing .Any affliction affecting these respiratory organs of our body comes under the umbrella of respiratory diseases.
There are different types of respiratory diseases depending on the part affected. The most prevalent ones include:
  • Common infections that affect the upper respiratory tract, namely common cold, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis and laryngitis.
  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma
  • Emphysema
  • Bronchitis
  • COPD
  • Pulmonary Edema
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Lung Cancer
Our Respiratory system is vital to our wellbeing, since it is the only medium for oxygen –the reason we are still alive, to enter our bodies. However, with the onslaught of increased pollution coupled with unhealthy habits and lifestyles; we inhale tons of impurities and toxins that go on to burden our respiratory system over time.
Fortunately, Mother Nature possesses an expanse of herbs and botanicals that may help boost lung health, repair pulmonary damage and heal respiratory disorders.
So, whether you are looking to keep your lungs in shipshape, reverse the negative effects of toxins and pollutants, rehabilitate your respiratory organs or protect them from foreign invaders; read on to know which natural ingredient can be your best ally.
We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 herbs for respiratory health.
  1. Eucalyptus
This is one of the most common herbal remedies recommended for respiratory concerns. It contains cineole, the active constituent responsible for its therapeutic effect. It is traditionally believed to work as an expectorant, helps clear phlegm accumulation, ease cough and soothe the inflamed airway passages. It is also believed to possess antioxidant properties that removes toxic free radicals and strengthens the immune system.
  1. Holy basil
This herb is traditionally known to possess many properties that boost the immune system, improve respiratory function, prevent infections and allergies etc. Clinical evaluation has indicated that this herbal remedy may support the body’s normal response to histamine and help improve overall lung functions.
  1. Turmeric
The Curcumin extracted from Curcuma longa or turmeric is traditionally believed to be effective against inflammation. It is believed to inhibit the formation of inflammatory cells and promote healthy functioning of air sacs. Research on the effects of turmeric reported that curcumin helped improve lung functions by reducing the inflammatory cells induced by cigarette smoke.
  1. Glycyrrhiza glabra
Commonly known as Yashti madhu, this herb is traditionally well known for its expectorant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Studies suggest that this herb is believed to improve immunity of the cells, help ease constricted airway passages, alleviate inflammatory conditions and support the respiratory organs in functioning optimally.
  1. Ephedra vulgaris
This remedy is traditionally believed to promote circulation. Research has shown that Ephedrin-the principal constituent of the plant may provide significant relief from chest tightness, a higher degree of relaxation in muscle spasms and protect the structure and functions of the respiratory organs.
  1. Boswellia serrata

The gum resin extract of this herb is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It is also potentially known to improve lung function. It is believed to exert its therapeutic influence by inhibiting the inflammatory pathways that causes asthma, allergic rhinitis, and inflammation in pulmonary tissues.
  1. Ginger
This herb is another popular remedy employed for respiratory afflictions. The active constituents present in ginger are believed to benefit coughs and cold. Ginger is known to potentially relieve congestion, improve circulation, cleanse the airway passages of toxins and soothe irritated lung tissues.
  1. Lobelia
This herb has been routinely prescribed in folk medicine as a respiratory tonic. Extracts of this herb are believed to ease congestion, expel mucus, relax the respiratory passages, soothe cough and facilitate easy breathing.
  1. Adhatoda vasica
This herb also popularly known as Malabar Nut is traditionally believed to help clear the respiratory tract. It is traditionally used in Ayurveda for its mucolytic, expectorative and bronchodilatory properties. It is believed to exert anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant actions that may help fight infections, protect from allergies, rejuvenate the respiratory pathway and strengthen the lungs.
  1. Antimonium tartaricum
 It is a well known natural remedy traditionally used for healing inflamed respiratory passages. It is believed to boost the immune system, expel mucus and improve the structure and functioning of the bronchioles.
The listed herbs are just some of the many other therapeutic herbs found in nature that have helped people over centuries to mitigate diseases and maintain healthy lifestyles. Research studies have shown that these natural substances work as medicines in the body.
Biogetica believes in the healing powers of nature and endorses natural alternatives over synthetic molecules that do more harm than good. In a bid to get nature the respect it deserves, Biogetica has formulated blends from the choicest natural sources amalgamating indigenous herbs like the ones above in synergistic combinations to boost your immune system, offer lung support and promote optimum respiratory health. To know more about our health protocols or to get expert advice on any health related concerns, please consult our doctors available 24/7 at now.


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